Powershell gui textbox with multiple color lines

前端 未结 1 1106
北海茫月 2021-01-27 16:43

Im having trouble with powershell textbox here is the definition of it:

$ResultsTextBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
$ResultsTextBox.Location = New-         

  • 2021-01-27 17:19

    You need to use a RichTextBox control for this instead of a regular TextBox.

    For demo here's a small form that fills lines in different colors to a RichTextBox:

    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
    # helper function to write text in a given color 
    # to the specified RichTextBox control
    function Append-ColoredLine {
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)]
        $box.SelectionStart = $box.TextLength
        $box.SelectionLength = 0
        $box.SelectionColor = $color
    $form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
    $form.Width = 400
    $form.Height = 500
    $richText = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox
    $richText.Location = [System.Drawing.Point]::new(10,10)
    $richText.Size = [System.Drawing.Size]::new(364,350)
    $richText.Font = [System.Drawing.Font]::new('Calibri', 14)
    $richText.Anchor = 'Top','Right','Bottom','Left'
    $button = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $button.Location = [System.Drawing.Point]::new(10,400)
    $button.Size = [System.Drawing.Size]::new(80,30)
    $button.Text = 'Test'
    $button.Anchor = 'Bottom','Left'
        # write green lines
        Append-ColoredLine $richText Green "GPO: 'gpo_A' has been linked Successfully"
        Append-ColoredLine $richText Green "GPO: 'gpo_B' has been linked Successfully"
        # write red line
        Append-ColoredLine $richText Red "Could not link GPO: 'gpo_C'"
        # insert blank line
        # write various lines in different colors
        'Blue','DarkGoldenrod','DarkCyan','OliveDrab','Chocolate','Crimson' | ForEach-Object {
            Append-ColoredLine $richText $_ "Some text using color '$_'" 
    [void] $form.ShowDialog()

    When pressing the Test button on this form, colored lines are written

    Hope that helps

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