I have used Ben Clothier\'s suggestion from his Office Blog Power Tip (http://blogs.office.com/2011/04/08/power-tip-improve-the-security-of-database-connections/) to create a DS
Although ACCESS has some weak points regarding security, you can do few things to minimize the risks. One of them would be compile the DB to ACCDE. This way VBA is compiled and not visible.
You can create a public function that returns a string
' construct your connection string here with server name and password
GET_CONNECTION_STRING = "DRIVER={" & Driver & "};PORT=" & mPort & ";DATABASE=" & mDatabase & ";SERVER={" & mServer & "};UID=" & mUser & ";PWD={" & mPassword & "};"
End Function
then create an AutoExe macro that runs when the application is opened. in your AutoExe perform refreshing links to your linked tables. something similar to what you have.
For Each tdf In db.TableDefs
If tdf.connect <> vbNullString Then
tdf.connect = GET_CONNECTION_STRING & ";TABLE=" & tdf.name
End If
Next tdf
you can do the same for existing pass through queries:
For Each myQuerydef In MyDB.QueryDefs
If Left(myQuerydef.connect, 4) = "ODBC" Then
myQuerydef.connect = "ODBC;" & GET_CONNECTION_STRING
End If
in addition you can have some other public functions to get current logged in username. something like
public function getCrruserID() as int
'check your public variable crr_user_id if its empty redirect to login
if nz(crr_user_id,0) = 0 then
'go to login and save the user id after successful login
getCrruserID = crr_user_id
end if
end function
use simple DAO to execute sql code like
dim db as DAO.Database
set db = currentdb
dim rs as Dao.Recordset
set rs = db.openrecordset("select something from your linked table")
db.execute "update command", dbfailonerror
to your last question. if you save something in memory it will be destroyed once your application is closed.
EDIT: if you have more than 50 linked tables it might be not a good idea to refresh them at every startup. Instead you can create a Local table containing your [local_Appversion, isFreshInstall] and some other variables as per your need. Every time your user receives an update the freshInstall will be true and code your App to connect and refresh all tables. (just to make sure client will get uninterrupted connection)
so in your autoExe code: if its freshInstall then connect and refreshlinks if not just set the connectionString. (usually a splash screen after login to perform this action) After successful connection just update the local isFreshInstall value to false for a quicker start next time.
you can also have a dedicated menu where user can click and refresh links manually.(in case if the connection get dropped) something like
if your organisation has a domain you can allow trusted connection using windows login name good luck.