I have a javascript file that I need to read. I managed to read it as a String using FileReader, but I want to read the object that is exported in that file.
This is how
Change your file to return only json and parse it
the file
audi: 'blue',
bmw: 'black',
the load function
loadFile = async () => {
try {
const response = await fetch(PATH_TO_FILE);
const blob = await response.blob();
let read = new FileReader();
read.onload = function() {
catch(e) {
The Fetch API does not load JS modules, but files. It does not evaluate your JavaScript file.
I would instead use a bundler for the source code (such as webpack). Then you'll be able to use your JavaScript module with require():
// either this
const carColors = require('./carColors');
// or this
import carColors from './carColors';