Count features for different ids in columns in R in faster way

前端 未结 4 1610
时光取名叫无心 2021-01-27 13:56

I am trying to process a 20 GB data file in R. I have 16 gigs RAM and i7 processor. I am reading the data using :

y<-read.table(file=\"sample.csv\", header =          

  • 2021-01-27 14:32

    How about table()?

    > set.seed(5)
    > ids <- sample(1:3, 12, TRUE)
    > features <- sample(1:4, 12, TRUE)
    > cbind(ids, features)
          ids features
     [1,]   1        2
     [2,]   3        3
     [3,]   3        2
     [4,]   1        1
     [5,]   1        2
     [6,]   3        4
     [7,]   2        3
     [8,]   3        4
     [9,]   3        4
    [10,]   1        3
    [11,]   1        1
    [12,]   2        1
    > table(ids, features)
    ids 1 2 3 4
      1 2 2 1 0
      2 1 0 1 0
      3 0 1 1 3

    So for example feature 4 appears 3 times in id 3.

    EDIT: You can use to "flatten" the table and get:

    >, features))
       ids features Freq
    1    1        1    2
    2    2        1    1
    3    3        1    0
    4    1        2    2
    5    2        2    0
    6    3        2    1
    7    1        3    1
    8    2        3    1
    9    3        3    1
    10   1        4    0
    11   2        4    0
    12   3        4    3
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-27 14:35

    For your example:

    apply(sign(table(y)), 1, sum)
    21 22 23 
     4  4  2 
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-27 14:37

    I would recommend the data.table package for this (fread is very fast!), then set up a loop that loops through the file reading in chunks at a time and storing the feature count sums. Here are some adapted lines of a function I have for looping for a file, it probably won't work as is, but you can get an idea what to do

    LineNu <- as.numeric(gsub(" .+","",system2("wc",paste("-l",your.file,sep=" "),stdout=TRUE, stderr=TRUE)))
    DT <- fread(your.file,nrows=50000000,sep=",",header=TRUE)
    KEEP.DT <- DT[,list("feature"=sum(length(feature))),by=id]
    rm(DT) ; gc()
    Starts <- c(seq(50000000,LineNu,by=50000000),LineNu)
    for (i in 2:(length(Starts)-1)) {
      cat(paste0("Filtering next 50000000 lines    ", i, " of ",length(Starts)-1, " \n"))
      DT <- fread(your.file,skip=Starts[i],nrows=ifelse(50000000*(i-1) < Starts[length(Starts)],50000000,(50000000*(i-1)) - Starts[length(Starts)]),sep=",",header=FALSE)
      KEEP.DT <- rbind(KEEP.DT,DT)
      rm(DT) ; gc()

    You may need to redo the DT[sum(length)] part since some id's might get read in in different chunks.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-27 14:38

    I admit that I don't really understand the question the way it is written, but it sounds like "data.table" would be the way to go, and you should look into the .N function. As already mentioned fread is going to be much better than read.csv, so I'll assume that you've read the data into a data.table named "DT".

    Here's a small one:

    DT <- data.table(id = c(rep(21, 6), rep(22, 5), 23, 23),
                     feature = c(234, 290, 234, 7802, 3467, 234, 235,
                                 235, 1234, 236, 134, 9133, 223))
    #     id feature
    #  1: 21     234
    #  2: 21     290
    #  3: 21     234
    #  4: 21    7802
    #  5: 21    3467
    #  6: 21     234
    #  7: 22     235
    #  8: 22     235
    #  9: 22    1234
    # 10: 22     236
    # 11: 22     134
    # 12: 23    9133
    # 13: 23     223

    If you just wanted to count the number of each unique feature, you could do:

    DT[, .N, by = "id,feature"]
    #     id feature N
    #  1: 21     234 3
    #  2: 21     290 1
    #  3: 21    7802 1
    #  4: 21    3467 1
    #  5: 22     235 2
    #  6: 22    1234 1
    #  7: 22     236 1
    #  8: 22     134 1
    #  9: 23    9133 1
    # 10: 23     223 1

    If you wanted the count of the first "feature", by "id", you could use:

    DT[, .N, by = "id,feature"][, .SD[1], by = "id"]
    #    id feature N
    # 1: 21     234 3
    # 2: 22     235 2
    # 3: 23    9133 1

    If you wanted to get the most frequently occurring "feature" by "id" (which is the same result as above, in this case), you can try the following:

    DT[, .N, by = "id,feature"][, lapply(.SD, function(x) x[which.max(N)]), by = "id"]


    Based on your new description, this seems much easier.

    Just merge your datasets and aggregate the counts. Again, fast to do in "data.table":

    DTY <- data.table(y, key = "id,feature")
    DTX <- data.table(x, key = "id,feature")
    DTY[DTX][, .N, by = id]
    #    id N
    # 1: 21 3
    # 2: 22 2
    # 3: 23 3


    DTY[, .N, by = key(DTY)][DTX]
    #    id feature N
    # 1: 21     234 3
    # 2: 22     235 2
    # 3: 23     223 3

    This is assuming that "x" and "y" are defined as the following to begin with:

    x <- structure(list(id = 21:23, feature = c(234L, 235L, 223L),
      counts = c(3L, 2L, 3L)), .Names = c("id", "feature", "counts"),
      row.names = c(NA, -3L), class = "data.frame")
    y <- structure(list(id = c(21L, 21L, 21L, 21L, 21L, 21L, 22L, 22L, 
      22L, 22L, 22L, 23L, 23L, 23L, 23L, 23L, 23L), feature = c(234L,
      290L, 234L, 7802L, 3467L, 234L, 235L, 235L, 1234L, 236L, 134L,
      9133L, 223L, 245L, 223L, 122L, 223L)), .Names = c("id", "feature"),
      class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -17L))
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