I\'m trying to replace ACACIA_BOAT (just a placeholder when copying things) with the first word, that being the variable name.
I do not use IntelliJ
and therefore I can not comment on its settings. However, since you have asked for a regex solution, given below is the one:
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Test strings
String[] arr = { "SCAFFOLDING = new ItemBuilder(Material.valueOf(\"ACACIA_BOAT\")).build();",
"SEAGRASS = new ItemBuilder(Material.valueOf(\"ACACIA_BOAT\")).build();",
"SKULL_BANNER_PATTERN = new ItemBuilder(Material.valueOf(\"ACACIA_BOAT\")).build();" };
String regex = "(([A-Za-z]\\w*)(?=\\s*\\=).*)(ACACIA_BOAT)(.*)";
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
arr[i] = arr[i].replaceAll(regex, "$1$2$4");
// Display the strings after replacement
SCAFFOLDING = new ItemBuilder(Material.valueOf("SCAFFOLDING")).build();
SEAGRASS = new ItemBuilder(Material.valueOf("SEAGRASS")).build();
SKULL_BANNER_PATTERN = new ItemBuilder(Material.valueOf("SKULL_BANNER_PATTERN")).build();
Explanation of the regex:
is (([A-Za-z]\w*)(?=\s*\=).*)
which is defined as a string starting with an alphabet (i.e. [A-Za-z]
) followed by any number of word characters (i.e. a word character denoted by \w
can be anything from [A-Za-z0-9_]
) with the assertion (defined by the Positive Lookahead, (?=\s*\=)
) that this all should be followed by an =
symbol. The assertion does not become part of the selection. Note that there can be any number of space before the =
symbol and it has been defined as \s*
where *
specifies zero or more times quantifier. The regex continues to select any character (specified by .*
) after the =
is ([A-Za-z]\w*)
which is already explained above. Note that this will capture just the variable name e.g. SCAFFOLDING
which matches ACACIA_BOAT
is (.*)
which matches any charactergroup(1) + group(2) + group(4)
specified by $1$2$4
.Check this for a demo and more explanation of the regex.
How to Find and replace text using regular expressions in Intellij in project
In this case Intellij 2020.2 was used.
You will find the replacement tool under menu:
Edit/Find/'Replace in Path...'
or go shortcut:
In search window type:
(\w+) = new ItemBuilder\(Material\.valueOf\(\\"ACACIA_BOAT\\"
In replacement window type:
$1 = new ItemBuilder\(Material\.valueOf\(\\"$1\\"
Make sure the following is selected:
Match case 'Aa' - found on the right hand side of "search window" (It is lit with blue color when it is activated)
Regex '.*' - found on the right hand side of "search window" (It is lit with blue color when it is activated)
'In Project' - found on the left hand side just under the "replacement window"
After settings click button 'Replace All' to execute request.
Below is a picture of the "tool", using requested regex:
Read more about Intellij's "Find and replace with regex" at: