I am trying to plot a line graph of different types of cars sold per day in ** plotly ** on ** R **. The way the graph would look is that, it would have line graphs of each type
I didn't see the same error (without trace type specified, it drew a histogram).
df1 <- data.frame(
id = c("Honda", "Honda", "Honda", "Merc", "Merc", "Merc", "Toyota", "Toyota"),
date = c('10/30/12', '10/31/12', '11/1/12', '11/2/12', '10/30/12', '10/31/12', '11/1/12', '11/3/12'),
Value = c(2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 2)
df1$date <- as.Date(df1$date, "%m/%d/%y")
layout(xaxis=list(title="Date"),yaxis=list(title="Cars Sold"))
> plot_ly(df1,x=~date)%>%
+ add_trace(y=filter(df1,id=="Honda")$value,name="Honda",mode="lines+markers")%>%
+ add_trace(y=filter(df1,id=="Merc")$value,name="Honda",mode="lines+markers")%>%
+ add_trace(y=filter(df1,id=="Toyota")$value,name="Honda",mode="lines+markers")%>%
+ layout(xaxis=list(title="Date"),yaxis=list(title="Cars Sold"))
No trace type specified:
Based on info supplied, a 'histogram' trace seems appropriate.
Read more about this trace type -> https://plot.ly/r/reference/#histogram
You don't need to filter by each car type. Instead use group_by before calling plot_ly --- perhaps this is what you had in mind:
df1 %>%
group_by(id) %>%
plot_ly(x=~date, y=~Value, type='scatter', color=~id, mode="lines+markers") %>%
layout(xaxis=list(title="Date"),yaxis=list(title="Cars Sold"))