I have this dictionary called biography
self.biography = {\'Name\' : \'\', \'Age\' : 0, \'Nationality\' : \'\', \'Position\' : 0, \'Footed\' : \'\'}
def create_player(self):
for key in self.biography.keys():
val = input('Player {}: '.format(key.lower()))
self.biography[key] = int(val) if val.strip().isdigit() else val
def create_player(self):
name = input('Player name: ')
age = int(input('Player age: '))
nationality = input('Nationality: ')
position = input('Position: ')
footed = input('Footed: ')
# afterwards
self.biography["Name"] = name
self.biography["Age"] = age
... and so on ...
Just access your biography
dict like an (associative) array.
If you want an ordered output, use an OrderedDict like so:
from collections import OrderedDict
class myClass():
biography = OrderedDict()
def setupDict(self):
self.biography["Name"] = "Some name here"
def create_player(self):
self.biography['Name'] = input('Player name: ')
self.biography['Age'] = int(input('Player age: '))
self.biography['Nationality'] = input('Nationality: ')
self.biography['Position'] = input('Position: ')
self.biography['Footed'] = input('Footed: ')
try this.