I need to implement a script (duplq.sh) that would rename all the text files existing in the current directory using the command line arguments. So if the command duplq.sh
A possible solution...
NUMBERS=$(ls $1|sed -e 's/pic//g' -e 's/\.txt//g'|sort -n -r)
for N in $NUMBERS
NEW=$(($N + 3))
echo "pic$N.txt -> pic$NEW.txt"
mv "pic$N.txt" "pic$NEW.txt"
possible files, sort
the names by number, use sed
to remove files with lower numbers than $1
, reverse sort
by number, and start at the top renaming from the highest number down to the lowest:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "$1"'[0-9]*' |
sort -g | sed -n "/^$1$2."'/,$p' | sort -gr |
while read x ; do
p="${x%%[0-9]*.*}"; s="${x##*[0-9]}" ; i="${x%$s}" i="${i#$p}"
mv "$x" "$p$((i+$3))$s"