I am using this jQuery plugin MagicSearch
How can I programatically select a value (by ID for example)?
This is what I have. After a careful analysis of their callback functions, I have devised a method to extract the ID and Name from my search list.
Please find the code to my attempt:
var idList="";
var nameList = "";
$(function () {
var dataSource = "[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"test\"},
dataSource: dataSource,
fields: ['name'],
id: 'id',
format: '%name%',
hidden: true,
multiple: true,
focusShow: true,
isClear: true,
multiField: 'name',
multiStyle: {
space: 5,
width: 200
success: function ($input, data) {
idList = idList + data.id + ',';
nameList = nameList + data.name + ',';
// alert(data.id);
return true;
afterDelete: function ($input, data) {
idList = idList.replace(data.id + ',', "");
nameList = nameList.replace(data.name + ',',"");
return true;
Link to the fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/yn0cmgjt/5/
Excuse me for the bad interface. I had a difficult time getting the CDN link to this plugin and somehow it is not rendering the correct way. But play around with this and I hope it will suffice to your needs.
The two lists (idList and nameList) that I have created are the id and name for each element concatenated in a single comma separated string. Once you have this string, you can extract out the required information.