Follow up question: Kivy outside rule inherence
from import App
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.uix.stacklayout import Stac
only contain ids of its children ( Id of the widget itself it's not needed because you can just pass it directly - in your case using self
, since you're passing a reference to a widget from inside of a method:
class Important(StackLayout):
def NoInspiration(self, smile):
print("Received: {}".format(smile))
def AddFancy(self):
print(self.ids) # only returns {'boxy': <weakproxy at 0000000002D119A8 to BoxLayout at 0000000002D026A8>}
self.ids.boxy.add_widget(FancyButton(text='f', imp = self)) # no need to use a factory