1)Is there a Google appscript command that can convert a .gDraw to a .jpg?
2)Can a Google trigger be set to perform this conversion on a .gdraw file edit?
1) My answ
Use the work-around detailed in comment #22 in the apps script issue 3579 you liked to.
Important: you must enable Drive API in Advanced Services for your project and in Developers Console for the work-around to work:
After you have done the above the following code will get your Drawing as JPEG file:
function gDrawTO_jpeg(){
var gDrawFile = Drive.Files.get('your_draw_file_ID_here');
var url = gDrawFile.exportLinks['image/jpeg'];
var token = ScriptApp.getOAuthToken();
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token
var jpeg = response.getBlob();
// save drawing as jpeg file to Drive, or do whatever you need to with the blob
As for the second part of your question: no. Google Draw does not support apps script (yet).