Following this post I was advised to ask a different question based on MCVE. My objective is to implement the NumPy\'s convolve for arbitrary shaped input arrays. Please conside
There exist a multitude of n-dimensional convolution functions in scipy.ndimage
and astropy
. Let's see if we can use any of them.
First we need some data to compare against. So let's span up the input space:
d0, d1 = np.array(A.shape) + np.array(B.shape) - 1
input_space = np.array(np.meshgrid(np.arange(d0), np.arange(d1))).T.reshape(-1, 2)
# array([[0, 0],
# [0, 1],
# [0, 2],
# [0, 3],
# [0, 4],
# [0, 5],
# [0, 6],
# [1, 0],
# [1, 1],
# ...
# [4, 5],
# [4, 6]])
and calculate your convolution over this space:
out = np.zeros((d0, d1))
for K in input_space:
out[tuple(K)] = conv(A, B, K + 1)
# array([[ 2., 10., 19., 24., 30., 20., 21.],
# [ 17., 36., 71., 81., 112., 53., 72.],
# [ 32., 27., 108., 74., 121., 79., 51.],
# [ 19., 46., 79., 99., 111., 67., 81.],
# [ 35., 39., 113., 76., 93., 33., 27.]])
Okay, now that we know what values to expect, lets see if we can get scipy
and astropy
to give us the same values:
import scipy.signal
scipy.signal.convolve2d(A, B) # only 2D!
# array([[ 2., 10., 19., 24., 30., 20., 21.],
# [ 17., 36., 71., 81., 112., 53., 72.],
# [ 32., 27., 108., 74., 121., 79., 51.],
# [ 19., 46., 79., 99., 111., 67., 81.],
# [ 35., 39., 113., 76., 93., 33., 27.]])
import astropy.convolution
np.pad(A, pad_width=((1, 0), (1, 1)), mode='constant'),
# array([[ 2., 10., 19., 24., 30., 20., 21.],
# [ 17., 36., 71., 81., 112., 53., 72.],
# [ 32., 27., 108., 74., 121., 79., 51.],
# [ 19., 46., 79., 99., 111., 67., 81.],
# [ 35., 39., 113., 76., 93., 33., 27.]])
np.pad(A, pad_width=((1, 0), (1, 1)), mode='constant'),
np.pad(B, pad_width=((0, 1), (0, 0)), mode='constant'),
# array([[ 2., 10., 19., 24., 30., 20., 21.],
# [ 17., 36., 71., 81., 112., 53., 72.],
# [ 32., 27., 108., 74., 121., 79., 51.],
# [ 19., 46., 79., 99., 111., 67., 81.],
# [ 35., 39., 113., 76., 93., 33., 27.]])
import scipy
np.pad(A, pad_width=((0, 1), (0, 2)), mode='constant'),
# array([[ 2., 10., 19., 24., 30., 20., 21.],
# [ 17., 36., 71., 81., 112., 53., 72.],
# [ 32., 27., 108., 74., 121., 79., 51.],
# [ 19., 46., 79., 99., 111., 67., 81.],
# [ 35., 39., 113., 76., 93., 33., 27.]])
np.pad(A, pad_width=((1, 0), (1, 1)), mode='constant'),
# array([[ 2., 10., 19., 24., 30., 20., 21.],
# [ 17., 36., 71., 81., 112., 53., 72.],
# [ 32., 27., 108., 74., 121., 79., 51.],
# [ 19., 46., 79., 99., 111., 67., 81.],
# [ 35., 39., 113., 76., 93., 33., 27.]])
As you can see, it is just a matter of chosing the right normalization and padding, and you can simply use any of these libraries.
I recommend using astropy.convolution.convolve_fft
, as it (being FFT-based) is probably the fastest.