I have a text file that I need to split according to values in the 4th column of information. The script would need to split the lines of text according the the value of the fir
Use a dictionary to store the discriminating digits (keys) and the corresponding (open) files (values). Loop over the lines of the input file; for each line: cut the digit, write the line to 'the file for the digit'. Don't forget to close all files.
In code:
Const csDir = "..\data\splits"
Const csInN = "splits.txt"
Const csInF = "..\data\splits.txt" ' should be: Const csInF = goFS.BuildPath(csDir, csInN)
Const cnPos = 47
Dim aSplits : aSplits = Array("12", "456")
Dim dicSplits : Set dicSplits = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
If goFS.FolderExists(csDir) Then goFS.DeleteFolder csDir
goFS.CreateFolder csDir
Dim nSplit
For nSplit = 0 To UBound(aSplits)
Dim sDir : sDir = aSplits(nSplit)
Dim nPos
For nPos = 1 To Len(sDir)
dicSplits(Mid(sDir, nPos, 1)) = nSplit
sDir = goFS.BuildPath(csDir, sDir)
goFS.CreateFolder sDir
Set aSplits(nSplit) = goFS.CreateTextFile(goFS.BuildPath(sDir, csInN))
Dim tsIn : Set tsIn = goFS.OpenTextFile(csInF)
Do Until tsIn.AtEndOfStream
Dim sLine : sLine = tsIn.ReadLine()
Dim sKey : sKey = Mid(sLine, cnPos, 1)
If dicSplits.Exists(sKey) Then
aSplits(dicSplits(sKey)).WriteLine sLine
End If
For nSplit = 0 To UBound(aSplits)
I'd suggest to do the discrimination with a Select
statement, because I consider that a lot easier to understand. A dictionary I'd use to manage the output files.
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Const keyPos = 47
Const inputFileName = "input.txt"
Const outputFileName = "input.txt"
outputFolders = Array("foo", "bar")
Sub WriteOutput(data, fldr)
If Not fso.FolderExists(fldr) Then fso.CreateFolder(fldr)
If Not outputFiles.Exists(fldr) Then outputFiles.Add fldr, fso.OpenTextFile(fso.BuildPath(fldr, outputFileName), ForWriting, True)
outputFiles(fldr).WriteLine data
End Sub
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set outputFiles = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set inputFile = fso.OpenTextFile(inputFileName, ForReading, True)
Do Until inputFile.AtEndOfStream
line = inputFile.ReadLine
Select Case Mid(line, keyPos, 1)
Case 1, 2:
WriteOutput line, outputFolders(0)
Case 4, 5, 6:
WriteOutput line, outputFolders(1)
End Select
For Each f In outputFiles.Items