I want to GET all my documents by Index. I have tried the following:
var response = client.Search(s => s.Index(\"test\").MatchAll());
the response returns \"succ
To get all documents within an index, you'll want to use the Scroll API. Note that depending on how many documents we're talking about, it's likely that you'll receive them in batches through multiple HTTP requests/responses.
There's a helper in NEST for making this easier, ScrollAll()
Time processTimePerScroll = "20s";
int numberOfSlices = Environment.ProcessorCount;
var scrollAllObservable = client.ScrollAll<Person>(processTimePerScroll, numberOfSlices, sc => sc
.Search(s => s
.Query(q => q
var waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false);
Exception exception = null;
var scrollAllObserver = new ScrollAllObserver<Person>(
onNext: response =>
// do something with the documents
var documents = response.SearchResponse.Documents;
onError: e =>
exception = e;
onCompleted: () => waitHandle.Set()
if (exception != null)
throw exception;