I am tryng to write a subquery in where clause like below. But i am getting \"Correlated column is not allowed in a non-equality predicate:\"
I did this with SCALA so you will need to convert but in a far easier way I think. I added a key and did at key level, you can adapt and aggr that out. But principle is far simpler. No correlated sub queries required. Just relational calculus. Used number for dates, etc.
// Slightly ambiguous on hols vs. weekend, as you stated treated as 1
import spark.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val dfE = Seq(
("NIC", 1, false, false),
("NIC", 2, false, false),
("NIC", 3, true, false),
("NIC", 4, true, true),
("NIC", 5, false, false),
("NIC", 6, false, false),
("XYZ", 1, false, true)
).toDF("e","d","w", "h")
val dfE2 = dfE.withColumn("wh", when ($"w" or $"h", 1) otherwise (0)).drop("w").drop("h")
//Assuming more dfD's can exist
val dfD = Seq(
("NIC", 1, 4, "k1"),
("NIC", 2, 3, "k2"),
("NIC", 1, 1, "k3"),
("NIC", 7, 10, "k4")
).toDF("e","pd","dd", "k")
// This done per record, if over identical keys, then strip k and aggr otherwise, I added k for checking each entry
// Point is it is far easier. Key means synthetic grouping by.
val q=sqlContext.sql(""" SELECT d1.k, d1.e, d1.pd, d1.dd, sum(e2.wh)
WHERE D1.e = E2.e
AND E2.d >= D1.pd
AND E2.d <= D1.dd
GROUP BY d1.k, d1.e, d1.pd, d1.dd
ORDER BY d1.k, d1.e, d1.pd, d1.dd
| k| e| pd| dd|sum(wh)|
| k1|NIC| 1| 4| 2|
| k2|NIC| 2| 3| 1|
| k3|NIC| 1| 1| 0|
I think a simple performance improvement can be made. No correlated stuff req'd in fact.
Can use AND E2.d BETWEEN D1.pd AND D1.dd if you want.