When i looked up the implementation of CharMatcher
and notice a field WHITESPACE_MULTIPLIER=1682554634
, then i set this value to 1582554634
I'm not sure if the generator still exists somewhere, but it can be recreated easily. The class Result
contains the data used in the implementation of CharMatcher.WHITESPACE:
static class Result {
private int shift;
private int multiplier;
private String table;
// No duplicates allowed.
private final String allMatchingString = "\u2002\r\u0085\u200A\u2005\u2000"
+ "\u2029\u000B\u2008\u2003\u205F\u1680"
+ "\u0009\u0020\u2006\u2001\u202F\u00A0\u000C\u2009"
+ "\u2004\u2028\n\u2007\u3000";
public Result generate(String allMatchingString) {
final char[] allMatching = allMatchingString.toCharArray();
final char filler = allMatching[allMatching.length - 1];
final int shift = Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(allMatching.length);
final char[] table = new char[1 << (32 - shift)];
OUTER: for (int i=0; i>=0; ++i) {
final int multiplier = 123456789 * i; // Jumping a bit makes the search faster.
Arrays.fill(table, filler);
for (final char c : allMatching) {
final int index = (multiplier * c) >>> shift;
if (table[index] != filler) continue OUTER; // Conflict found.
table[index] = c;
return new Result(shift, multiplier, new String(table));
return null; // No solution exists.
It generates a different multiplier, but this doesn't matter.
In case no solution for a given allMatchingString
exists, you can decrement shift and try again.