I was wondering if it is possible to plot locations/coords on the MapView class of blackberry. http://www.blackberry.com/developers/docs/5.0.0api/net/rim/blackberry/api/maps/Map
On BlackBerry7 you can do it with MapMarker, without having to override paint(). Also, you can use GoogleMapField, see code here: https://github.com/rhomobile/rhodes/blob/master/platform/bb/rhodes/src/rhomobile/mapview/GoogleMapField.java
You have basically two options:
1) If you want the map to be embedded within your own application, use the MapField to add a map to your screen and then override the paint()
method to manually draw your pins on the screen.
2) If you just want to launch the maps app and let it handle everything, then use the MapsArguments to pass info to the app via an Invoke.invokeApplication().