I want to create an call recorder application in blackberry. While searching in this forum i have got call-recorder-in-blackberry this link. The code given in the below link is
Actually direct call recording not possible with blackberry. AFAIK that posted code is call recording when call on speakerphone. That means If mobile have the loud speaker, then put a call to loud speaker and record that voice. And look at this discussion, Call recorder in Blackberry.
It's not possible to record the audio of a phone call (other than with a loud speakerphone) as you are trying to do. This is intentional. You would need another approach off the device to do this. However, I can answer your other questions:
To make your application autostart, you can follow these steps: http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/Java-Development/Configure-an-application-to-start-automatically-when-the/ta-p/444748
Also, as this application above doesn't extend from UiApplication, you should check the "run as a system module" box as well, when you follow the directions above. That way it won't appear on the ribbon or as an icon in the list of applications.