I have a Google Sheet with the following layout:
Number | Counted? | Cumulative Total
4 | Y | 4
2 | | 6
Try this in C2
and copy down:
= N(C1) + A2 * (B2 = "Y")
Doesn't seem to work with SUMIFS, but there is a very slow matrix multiplication alternative:
=ArrayFormula(MMult((Row(2:1000)>=Transpose(Row(2:1000)))*Transpose(A2:A1000*(B2:B1000="Y")), Row(2:1000)^0))
Assuming "Number" in column A and "Counted?" in column B, try in C1
={"SUM"; ArrayFormula(if(ISBLANK(B2:B),,mmult(transpose(if(transpose(row(B2:B))>=row(B2:B), if(B2:B="Y", A2:A,0), 0)),row(B2:B)^0)))}
(Change ranges to suit).