How do you add custom fields in Refinery CMS? That is, I would like to extend the basic page model to include a bunch of other stuff, like screenshots, publisher name, category,
Have a look at the (excellent) Getting Started with Refinery guide. In Section 6 the guide lays out how to add extra fields - in the example date, picture and blurb - using engines:
To expand a base model of refinery, generating an engine is not always an option.
I expanded the page model by a date field by
in detail:
rails g migration AddDateToPage event_date:date
rake db:migrate
add app/models/page.rb with
require Refinery::Pages::Engine.config.root + 'app' + 'models' + 'page'
class Page
attr_accessible :event_date
it expands the Page model so that my custom field is set by mass assignment (thanks to for the require statement).
Now create the file app/views/admin/pages/_form_fields_after_title.html.erb which is a stub provided by refinery. You can also create it with
rake refinery:override view=admin/pages/_form_fields_after_title
here I defined the form field (f is set with a form_for object by refinery)
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :event_date, t('admin.pages.event_date') %>
<%= f.text_field :event_date %>
After restarting the application, the new field is active.