I have to include a set of CSS and JS files in my angular2 application.
What is the correct folder in order to have them included when I do the build?
I am using webpack and in my application, I have placed them in src/assets folder now I can just use it like this
<img class="photo-icon" src="/assets/img/user-default.png">
You can make separate folders for javascript, images and stylesheets etc. in your assets folder and append in the path.
If you are asking where to put the styles the official angular style guide says:
it is a recommended way, but as the comment bellow you can put them in the order that makes better sense for you.
If your using the Angular CLI then you can put them anywhere, but I would suggest in a logical place that makes sense in your src/assets folder.
From there add entries for the js and css files in your angular.cli.json file.
there is a scripts array and a styles array under each object/app in the apps node.
look for something like ...
apps: [
"styles": [ "assets/styles/myCustomStyles.css" ],
"scripts": [ "assets/js/dragevents.js" ]
If done correctly the cli will automatically add them to your index when it builds.