I am pretty new to Python and I am trying to cleanse some data. I\'ve attached a link to the data file (Two tabs: Raw data and desired outcome). Please help!
What I am t
To split a column into 2 columns with pandas
d = pd.read_csv('file.csv
df = pd.DataFrame(d.col_1.str.split("-",1).tolist(),columns = ['A','B'])
0 val1 val2
1 valA valB
# Read the excel file with sheet_name='Raw data' and skiprows=23 which are not necessary
data_xls = pd.read_excel("Example2.xlsx", sheet_name='Raw data', skiprows=23)
# Create the dummy columns names which are similar to desired output column
dummy_col_names = ['Internal Link Tracking (non','Campaign Name','Creative','Action','Action 2']
# Use str.split with expand=True to create a dataframe
dummy_df = data_xls['Internal Link Tracking (non-promotions) - ENT (c20)'].str.split('-',expand = True)
# Rename columns as per dummy column list
dummy_df.columns = dummy_col_names
# Drop the column which is not necessary
data_xls.drop('Internal Link Tracking (non-promotions) - ENT (c20)', axis=1, inplace=True)
# Use pd.concat along axis=1 to concat both data_xls and dummy_df along columns
data_xls = pd.concat((data_xls,dummy_df),sort=False,axis=1)
# To preserve oreder similar to desired output column use the following code
col_names = data_xls.columns.tolist()
data_xls = data_xls[col_names[:1]+dummy_col_names+col_names[1:-5]]
Try this:
1.)Delete Row 1-23
df = pd.read_excel('/home/mayankp/Downloads/Example2.xlsx', sheet_name=0, index_col=None, header=None, skiprows=23)
2.) Split Column B into multiple columns using '-' as a delimiter and 3.)Assign Column names to the new columns
Both these steps can be done in 1 go:
sub_df = df[1].str.split('-', expand=True).rename(columns = lambda x: "string"+str(x+1))
In [179]: sub_df
string1 string2 string3 string4 string5
1 us campaign article1 scrolldown findoutnow
2 us campaign article1 scrollright None
3 us campaign article1 findoutnow None
4 us campaign payablesmanagement findoutnow None
Above is how the sample looks like after splitting on -
Now drop the actual column from df
and insert these new columns in it:
df = df.drop(1, axis=1)
df = pd.concat([df,sub_df], axis=1)
4.)Keep the numeric columns
Remaining columns are already intact. No change needed for this.
Let me know if this helps.