I have a field as DateTime, I want to display only date( without time ) in my datagridview c#. I get the datetime. example: 22.03.2016 00:00:00 Any help would be appreciated. I
The problem is your column is not of type DateTime
so when you apply formatting, it doesn't work.
Take a look at the method that creates the data table, you created the columns using dataTable.Columns.Add(prop.Name);
which it means the DataType
of column is string
and formatting will not apply on column. (As I guessed previously)
if you want to show it in DataGridView
, it's enough to set it as DataSource
of the grid.DateTime
column to show only Date
part, it's enough to set DefaultCellStyle.Format
of that column to yyyy/MM/dd
with this line of code: dataTable.Columns.Add(prop.Name, prop.PropertyType);
which uses data type of property as data type of column.There is an easier way. Next time, if you add data to DataGridView via clicking the little triangle at the right-top corner of DataGridView;
Edit your XXXDataSet.Designer according to:
this.columnYYY = new global::System.Data.DataColumn("YYY", typeof(**string**), null, global::System.Data.MappingType.Element);
Change String to DateTime. Problem solved enjoy. :)