The title kind of says it all. I\'m looking to compute the GCD of two polynomials. Is there any way this can be done in Prolog? If so, what\'s a good starting point? Specificall
This answer is meant as a push in the right direction.
First, forget for a moment that you need to parse an expression like x^2 + 7x + 6
; this isn't even a proper term in Prolog yet. If you tried to write it on the top level, you will get an error:
?- Expr = x^2 + 7x + 6.
ERROR: Syntax error: Operator expected
ERROR: Expr = x^2 +
ERROR: ** here **
ERROR: 7x + 6 .
Prolog doesn't know how to deal with the 7x
you have there. Parsing the expression is a question of its own, and maybe it is easier if you assumed you have already parsed it and gotten a representation that looks for example like this:
[6, 7, 1]
Similarly, x^2 − 5x − 6
[-6, -5, 1]
and to represent 0 you would use the empty list:
Now, take a look at the algorithm at the Wikipedia page. It uses deg
for the degree and lc
for the leading coefficient. With the list representation above, you can define those as:
The degree is one less then the length of the list holding the coefficients.
poly_deg(F, D) :-
length(F, N),
D is N - 1.
The leading coefficient is the last element of the list.
poly_lc(F, C) :-
last(F, C).
You also need to be able to do simple arithmetic with polynomials. Using the definitions on the Wikipedia page, we see that for example adding []
and [1]
should give you [1]
, multiplying [-2, 2]
with [1, -3, 1]
should give you [-2, 8, -8, 2]
. A precursory search gave me this question here on Stackoverflow. Using the predicates defined there:
?- poly_prod([-2,2], [1, -3, 1], P).
P = [-2.0, 8.0, -8.0, 2] .
?- poly_sum([], [1], S).
S = [1].
From here on, it should be possible for you to try and implement polynomial division as outlined in the Wiki article I linked above. If you get into more trouble, you should edit your question or ask a new one.