I have my markup structure as below:
Right, now I know what you're after. I've done this before when showing items in a grid and you need to break each row because of that browser.
Anyway, it's ugly but I don't think it gets any easier than this
<?php for ($i = 0, $total = count($resultSet); $i < $total; $i += 4) : ?>
for ($j = $i; $j < ($i + 4); $j++) :
if (!isset($resultSet[$j])) :
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php break 2; endif ?>
<div><?php echo htmlspecialchars($resultSet[$j]) ?></div>
<?php endfor ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php endfor ?>
By getting some idea from logic given here I tried following and it works.
<div> <!-- started main div -->
$icount = 1;
$itotal = mysql_num_rows($result_rs);
while ($rs = mysql_fetch_array($result_rs)) {
echo '<div>'.$rs['value'].'</div>';
if ($icount % 4 == 0 && $icount != $itotal){
echo '<div class="clear"></div>';
echo '</div>'; //closed main div
echo '<div>'; //started new main div
</div> <!-- closed main div -->
That, solved my problem.
Edited: added itotal condition, so when you will have only 4 records per page then also this will work properly.
The preconfig...
$num_of_results = sizeof($your_array);
$loops = ceil($num_of_results/4);
$k = 0;
In your web
<?php for($p = 0; $p < $loops; $p++) { ?>
<?php for($i = 0; $i < 4 && $k < $num_of_results; $i++) { ?>
<div><?php echo $your_array[$k]; $k++;?></div>
<?php } ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php } ?>
That's your problem isnt it?
<?php for ($i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++): ?>
<?php if ($i%4 == 1 && $i != 1): ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php endif; //$i%4 == 1 && $i != 1 ?>
<div>Value <?php echo $i ?></div>
<?php endfor; //$i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++ ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
or with an array:
<?php foreach ($arr as $k=>$v): ?>
<?php if (($k+1)%4 == 1 && $k != 0): ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php endif; //($k+1)%4 == 1 && $k != 0 ?>
<div><?php echo $v ?></div>
<?php endforeach; //$arr as $k=>$v ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
or with a mysqli resultset:
<?php $count = 1 ?>
<?php while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)): ?>
<?php if ($count%4 == 1 && $count != 1): ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php endif; //$count%4 == 1 && $count != 1 ?>
<div><?php echo $row['value'] ?></div>
<?php $count++ ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
Why not use modulo to "close" a div?
<?php foreach($data as $key => $value) : ?>
<div><?php echo $value ?></div>
<?php if($key % 4 == 0 && $key != 0) : // add a clearing div, close the first group and open another one ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
<? endforeach ?>
<?php if($key % 4 != 0) : // div has not been closed as the number of records % 4 was not equal 0 ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
<? endif ?>