invokeMethod from Groovy with parameters

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别跟我提以往 2021-01-27 03:29

I want to invoke groovy method from the given below class

 package infa9


  • 2021-01-27 04:30

    Right...I created this groovy script LicenseInfo.groovy inside a folder ./test/:

    package test
    public class LicenseInfo {
      StringBuffer licenseInformation
      public LicenseInfo() {
        licenseInformation = new StringBuffer()
      public void fetchLicenseInformation( Map<String,String> params, Map env ) {
        List<String> licenseList = fetchLicenses( params, env )
        println "List is $licenseList"
      public List<String> fetchLicenses( Map<String,String> params, Map env ) {
        [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]

    inside the current folder ./, I created this groovy script Test.groovy:

    // Make some params...
    def params = [ name:'tim', value:'text' ]
    // Fake an env Map
    def env = [ something:'whatever' ]
    // Load the class from the script
    def liClass = new GroovyClassLoader().parseClass( new File( 'test/LicenseInfo.groovy' ) )
    // Run the method
    liClass.newInstance().fetchLicenseInformation( params, env )

    When I execute the command

    groovy Test.groovy

    it prints out:

    List is [a, b, c]

    Edit after update

    The positive errors you are getting are due to the way the Groovy parser works... You cannot put the + on the start of the next line when joining Strings, the + has to be trailing on the previous line (as semi-colons are optional for the end of lines in groovy, there is no way for the parser to know you are adding on to the previous line)

    This will work:

    if (System.getProperty("").contains("Win")) {
      infacmdListLicensesCommand = env.get("INFA_HOME") + "/isp/bin/infacmd.bat ListLicenses -dn " +
                                   params.get("dn") + " -un " + params.get("un") + " -pd " +
                                   params.get("pd") + " -sdn " + params.get("sdn") + " -hp " +
                                   params.get("dh") + ":" + params.get("dp")
    else {
      infacmdListLicensesCommand = env.get("INFA_HOME") + "/isp/bin/ ListLicenses -dn " +
                                   params.get("dn") + " -un " + params.get("un") + " -pd " +
                                   params.get("pd") + " -sdn " + params.get("sdn") + " -hp " +
                                   params.get("dh") + ":" + params.get("dp")

    And this would be a more Groovy way of doing the same thing:

    boolean isWindows = System.getProperty("").contains("Win")
    // Do it as a list of 3 items for formatting purposes
    infacmdListLicensesCommand = [
      "$env.INFA_HOME/isp/bin/infacmd.${isWindows?'bat':'sh'} ListLicenses"
      "-dn $params.dn -un $params.un -pd $params.pd -sdn $params.sdn"
      "-hp $params.dh:$params.dp" ].join( ' ' ) // then join them back together
    println infacmdListLicensesCommand // print it out to see it's the same as before
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