I\'m trying to learn about Boost functions. I want to pass a Python function to a C++ module wrapped using Boost Python. I followed the example given here and modified it to acc
After a lot of searching and some trial & error, I managed to modify my code so that it works. I had to create a wrapper struct for the Boost Python object, which included a operator()
method, so that the wrapped object could then be cast as a Boost Function before being assigned to the op
variable. Here's the modified code:
struct op_wrapper_t {
op_wrapper_t( object callable ) : _callable( callable ) {}
double operator()(double t) {
return extract<double>(_callable(t));
object _callable;
void setOperator(object obj) {
op = boost::function<double (double)>( op_wrapper_t(obj) );
I followed a similar procedure as the one in this post. However, I still don't understand why no such wrapper/casting is needed for functions that return void.