The Ruby script i am writing is going to be run every morning and will pull information about backup files and write them to a csv file. This file has column names on the first
You write a new file, applying your change at the desired line, then rename result back to the original file name. The following method will copy the file and yield the output file object to a block at the correct line, so that block can output your new lines.
def insert_lines_following_line file, line_no
tmp_fn = "#{file}.tmp" tmp_fn, 'w' ) do |outf|
line_ct = 0
IO.foreach(file) do |line|
outf.print line
yield(outf) if line_no == (line_ct += 1)
File.rename tmp_fn, file
insert_lines_following_line( "#{curDir}/Backup_Times.csv", 1 ) do |outf|
# output new csv lines in this block
outf.puts ['foo','bar','baz',1,2,3].join(",") # or however you build your csv line