Basically I want do to the same thing as this function here:
However, the pa
In OpenCV there is no standard function for calculating the essential matrix using two different cameras. But it is very easy to implement it yourself.
You can add a function to the five-point.cpp
and recompile OpenCV.
I just added an overloaded function cv::findEssentialMat
with an additional parameter for the second camera matrix.
cv::Mat cv::findEssentialMat(InputArray _points1, InputArray _points2, InputArray _cameraMatrix1, InputArray _cameraMatrix2, int method, double prob, double threshold, OutputArray _mask)
Mat points1, points2, cameraMatrix1, cameraMatrix2;
_points1.getMat().convertTo(points1, CV_64F);
_points2.getMat().convertTo(points2, CV_64F);
_cameraMatrix1.getMat().convertTo(cameraMatrix1, CV_64F);
_cameraMatrix2.getMat().convertTo(cameraMatrix2, CV_64F);
int npoints = points1.checkVector(2);
CV_Assert(npoints >= 0 && points2.checkVector(2) == npoints &&
points1.type() == points2.type());
CV_Assert(cameraMatrix1.rows == 3 && cameraMatrix1.cols == 3 && cameraMatrix1.channels() == 1);
CV_Assert(cameraMatrix2.rows == 3 && cameraMatrix2.cols == 3 && cameraMatrix2.channels() == 1);
if (points1.channels() > 1)
points1 = points1.reshape(1, npoints);
points2 = points2.reshape(1, npoints);
double fx1 =<double>(0, 0);
double fy1 =<double>(1, 1);
double cx1 =<double>(0, 2);
double cy1 =<double>(1, 2);
double fx2 =<double>(0, 0);
double fy2 =<double>(1, 1);
double cx2 =<double>(0, 2);
double cy2 =<double>(1, 2);
points1.col(0) = (points1.col(0) - cx1) / fx1;
points2.col(0) = (points2.col(0) - cx2) / fx2;
points1.col(1) = (points1.col(1) - cy1) / fy1;
points2.col(1) = (points2.col(1) - cy2) / fy2;
// Reshape data to fit opencv ransac function
points1 = points1.reshape(2, npoints);
points2 = points2.reshape(2, npoints);
threshold /= (fx1 + fy1) / 2;
Mat E;
if (method == RANSAC)
createRANSACPointSetRegistrator(makePtr<EMEstimatorCallback>(), 5, threshold, prob)->run(points1, points2, E, _mask);
createLMeDSPointSetRegistrator(makePtr<EMEstimatorCallback>(), 5, prob)->run(points1, points2, E, _mask);
return E;
Then you have to add the function declaration to calib3d.hpp
, recompile and reinstall your OpenCV version.
Additional question: If I have calculated the essential matrix can I just use it as parameter in the method
instead of the fundamental matrix, assuming images are already rectified?
Yes, I think this should work.