R- Referencing different dataframes in a loop

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清酒与你 2021-01-27 02:43

I am brand new to R so if I\'m thinking about this completely wrong feel free to tell me. I have a series of imported dataframes on power plants, one of each year (Plant1987, Pl

  • 2021-01-27 03:04

    Let's say you have data.frames

    Plant1987 <- data.frame(plantID=1:4, x=rnorm(4))
    Plant1988 <- data.frame(plantID=1:4, x=rnorm(4))
    Plant1989 <- data.frame(plantID=1:4, x=rnorm(4))

    You could put a $year column in each with

    year <- 1987:1989
    for(yeari in year) {
    #   plantID           x year
    # 1       1  0.67724230 1987
    # 2       2 -1.74773250 1987
    # 3       3  0.67982621 1987
    # 4       4  0.04731677 1987
    # ...etc for other years...

    ...and either bind them together into one data.frame with

    df <- Plant1987
    for(yeari in year[-1]) {
      df <- rbind(df, eval(parse(text=paste0("Plant",yeari))))
    #    plantID            x year
    # 1        1  0.677242300 1987
    # 2        2 -1.747732498 1987
    # 3        3  0.679826213 1987
    # 4        4  0.047316768 1987
    # 5        1  1.043299473 1988
    # 6        2  0.003758675 1988
    # 7        3  0.601255190 1988
    # 8        4  0.904374498 1988
    # 9        1  0.082030356 1989
    # 10       2 -1.409670456 1989
    # 11       3 -0.064881722 1989
    # 12       4  1.312507736 1989

    ...or in a list as

    itsalist <- list()
    for(yeari in year) {
    # $Plant1987
    #   plantID           x year
    # 1       1  0.67724230 1987
    # 2       2 -1.74773250 1987
    # 3       3  0.67982621 1987
    # 4       4  0.04731677 1987
    # $Plant1988
    #   plantID           x year
    # 1       1 1.043299473 1988
    # 2       2 0.003758675 1988
    # 3       3 0.601255190 1988
    # 4       4 0.904374498 1988
    # $Plant1989
    #   plantID           x year
    # 1       1  0.08203036 1989
    # 2       2 -1.40967046 1989
    # 3       3 -0.06488172 1989
    # 4       4  1.31250774 1989
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-27 03:14

    Try this ..

    list_object_names = sprintf("Plant%s", 1987:2008)
    list_DataFrame = lapply(list_object_names, get)
    for (i in 1:length(list_DataFrame ) ){
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-27 03:17

    Here are some codes to give you some ideas. I used the mtcars data frame as an example to create a list with three data frames. After that I used two solutions to add the year (2000 to 2002) to each data frame. You will need to modify the codes for your data.

    # Load the mtcars data frame
    # Create a list with three data frames
    ex_list <- list(mtcars, mtcars, mtcars)
    # Create a list with three years: 2000 to 2002
    year_list <- 2000:2002

    Solution 1: Use lapply from base R

    ex_list2 <- lapply(1:3, function(i) {
      dt <- ex_list[[i]]
      dt[["Year"]] <- year_list[[i]]

    Solution 2: Use map2 from purrr

    ex_list3 <- map2(ex_list, year_list, .f = function(dt, year){
      dt$Year <- year

    ex_list2 and ex_list3 are the final output.

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