You can't return the rows that are missing without a list of all possible numerical values to LEFT JOIN
This query (which feels like it could be better/stronger/faster, but it works) will find you the gaps:
set @last_prefix = null;
set @last_value = null;
select result from (
select @last_prefix, @last_value, name,
@prefix := substring(name,1,3) as prefix,
@value := substring(name,4) as value,
case when @prefix = @last_prefix and @value != @last_value +1
then concat ("gap from ", @prefix, ": ", @last_value+1, " to ", @value-1)
else "ok" end as result,
@last_prefix := @prefix, @last_value := @value
from t20120921
) foo
where result != "ok";