Can\'t get any result in feeds. feedXML has the correct data.
XDocument feedXML = XDocument.Load(@\"\");
var feed
You need to specify the namespace:
// This is the default namespace within the feed, as specified
// xmlns="..."
XNamespace ns = "";
var feeds = from entry in feedXML.Descendants(ns + "entry")
Namespace handling is beautifully easy in LINQ to XML compared with everything other XML API I've ever used :)
If you look at the XML returned by the HTTP request, you will see that it has an XML namespace defined:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns="" ...>
XML is just like C#, if you use an element name with the wrong namespace, it is not considered to be the same element! You need to add the required namepsace to your query:
private static string AtomNamespace = "";
public static XName Entry = XName.Get("entry", AtomNamespace);
public static XName Published = XName.Get("published", AtomNamespace);
public static XName Title = XName.Get("title", AtomNamespace);
var items = doc.Descendants(AtomConst.Entry)
.Select(entryElement => new FeedItemViewModel()
new {
Title = entryElement.Descendants(AtomConst.Title).Single().Value,
The issue is in feedXML.Descendants("entry")
. This is returning 0 results
According to the documentation you need to put in a fully qualified XName
You need to specify a namespace on both the Descendents and Element methods.
XDocument feedXML = XDocument.Load(@"");
XNamespace ns = "";
var feeds = from entry in feedXML.Descendants(ns + "entry")
select new
PublicationDate = entry.Element(ns + "published").Value,
Title = entry.Element(ns + "title").Value