I would like to generate multiple checkboxes from a large list, and get all the values.
Here is my code so far (the list could be much larger):
from Tkin
Yes. You will need to store the data somewhere. I suggest making a dictionary.
from Tkinter import *
INGREDIENTS = ['cheese','ham','pickle','mustard','lettuce']
def print_ingredients(*args):
values = [(ingredient, var.get()) for ingredient, var in data.items()]
print values
data = {} # dictionary to store all the IntVars
top = Tk()
mb= Menubutton ( top, text="Ingredients", relief=RAISED )
mb.menu = Menu ( mb, tearoff = 0 )
mb["menu"] = mb.menu
for ingredient in INGREDIENTS:
var = IntVar()
mb.menu.add_checkbutton(label=ingredient, variable=var)
data[ingredient] = var # add IntVar to the dictionary
btn = Button(top, text="Print", command=print_ingredients)