I found a decent explanation of the problem you are experiencing as well as some solutions.
See How dangerous is it to compare floating point values?
Just a side note, remember that some values can not be represented EXACTLY in IEEE 754 floating point representation. Your same example using a value of say 1.5 would compare as you expect because there is a perfect representation of 1.5 without any loss of data. However, 1.1 in 32-bit and 64-bit are in fact different values because the IEEE 754 standard can not perfectly represent 1.1.
See http://www.binaryconvert.com
double a = 1.1 --> 0x3FF199999999999A
Approximate representation = 1.10000000000000008881784197001
float b = 1.1 --> 0x3f8ccccd
Approximate representation = 1.10000002384185791015625
As you can see, the two values are different.
Also, unless you are working in some limited memory type environment, it's somewhat pointless to use floats. Just use doubles and save yourself the headaches.
If you are not clear on why some values can not be accurately represented, consult a tutorial on how to covert a decimal to floating point.
Here's one: http://class.ece.iastate.edu/arun/CprE281_F05/ieee754/ie5.html