I am working on a project where i need to access clean URL\'s always i.e no parameters can be passed in the URL for getting values on another page.
Can anyone please sug
Sessions can help, or ajax call.
For Clean URL's i prefer you may use HTTP POST Method. Hope that helps.
<form name="frmApp" method="POST" action="/action.php">
Else, you can use AJAX with jQuery to submit the values to another page.
Check out w3schools to get started with AJAX : http://www.w3schools.com/jquery/jquery_ajax.asp
No support for SESSION since i don't like writing php code inside my web page.
for this purpose.
you can use variable in multiple pages wherever you want.
// assigning variable
echo $_SESSION['name'];
write session_start()
at the top of page wherever you want $_SESSION
for using clean url you can use post method in form
<form name='' method='POST' action=''>
You can try mapping resources to the url.
Suppose you want to get mailing address of a customer then you can write.
Read more here