I am trying to generate the map of U.S. in which each state can have one of the following colors:
EScolors <- c(\"#7aad42\",\"#4a77bb\",\"#f7931e\",\"#d3dfbd\
Using the base maps package can be a little tricky. The order and the naming of the states is not standard, several states have more than one region, i.e. Manhattan island in New York. A little manipulation is required to properly label/color the map.
In this solution, I created a dataframe statelist to hold the state names, islands and an index. Then merge this with your dataframe, state_info, and then plotted.
#function to split strings an return a dataframe
strtodf<-function (list){
slist<-strsplit(list, ":")
x<-sapply(slist, FUN= function(x) {x[1]})
y<-sapply(slist, FUN= function(x) {x[2]})
df<-data.frame(state=x, island=y, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#user defined coloring scheme
# Example data for to test solution
colors<- c("#7aad42","#4a77bb","#f7931e","#d3dfbd","#787878")
region<-c("washington", "new york", "virginia", "pennsylvania", "ohio")
states_info<-data.frame(region, colors)
# End of example data
#dataframe to hold state names for mapping purposes
maplist<-map("state", namesonly = TRUE, plot=FALSE)
statelist<-strtodf(maplist) #convert to dataframe
statelist$row<-as.numeric(rownames(statelist)) #index column
#merge the data from and resort into proper order
statelist<-merge(statelist, states_info, by.x = "state", by.y="region", sort=FALSE, all.x=TRUE)
#plot the map
maplist<-map("state", fill=TRUE, col=statelist$colors)
Let ggplot2 do the hard work for you:
read.table(text="State.Code region St_Abbr Num_Estab colors
1 1 alabama AL 13123 #f7931e
3 4 arizona AZ 18053 #f7931e
4 5 arkansas AR 9154 #4a77bb
5 6 california CA 143937 #787878
6 8 colorado CO 21033 #d3dfbd
7 9 connecticut CT 17176 #f7931e",
stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=TRUE, comment.char="") -> df
usa_map <- map_data("state")
gg <- ggplot()
gg <- gg + geom_map(data=usa_map, map=usa_map,
aes(long, lat, map_id=region),
color="#2b2b2b", size=0.15, fill=NA)
gg <- gg + geom_map(data=df, map=usa_map,
aes(fill=colors, map_id=region),
color="#2b2b2b", size=0.15)
gg <- gg + scale_color_identity()
gg <- gg + coord_map("polyconic")
gg <- gg + ggthemes::theme_map()