I\'ve got a date object in Google Sheet which I want to import to firestore as a timestamp object, but it doesn\'t work when I do it directly. I am using Google Apps Script.
Suppose if your date object is like 3/2/2020 9:06:07 and from that, you need to extract only the date 2020-03-02 and for that date, if you want to get the timestamp 1583087400000 you can try the below solution.
var dateSt = sourceData[i][0].toString();
var stDate = new Date(dateSt);
var stringfied = JSON.stringify(stDate);
var updatedDt = stringfied.slice(1,11);
//now u will have the date as 2020-03-02
var myDate= updatedDt;
var formattedDate=myDate[0]+"/"+myDate[1]+"/"+myDate[2];
//Now the date is converted to 2020/03/02 (it should be in YYYY/MM/DD)
var timestamp = new Date(formattedDate).getTime();
//Now will have the timestamp for that particular date as 1583087400000
data.date = timestamp;
Suppose if u don't have a date in your google sheet and you want to create it from the app script means you can try this second solution
var dateSt = new Date().toISOString().slice(0,10);
//dateSt will have the date in 2020-06-04
var myDate = dateSt;
myDate = myDate.split("-");
var formattedDate=myDate[0]+"/"+myDate[1]+"/"+myDate[2];
//formatted date will be 2020/06/04
var timestamp = new Date(formattedDate).getTime();
//timeStamp will be 1591209000000
data.date = timestamp;