How to retrieve value from linkedhashmap using iterators in Struts2…?

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南笙 2021-01-26 18:18

I have function which return LinkedHashMap in Struts2 and i just came to know that we cannot use for loop in struts2 instead we have to use Iterators, and am new to struts

  • 2021-01-26 18:46

    You should iterate over List of Map instead of Map of List

    Example :

    private List<Map> listOfMap = Lists.newArrayList();
    public String execute() {
        while ( {
            final Map<String, String> map = Maps.newHashMap();
            map.put("manufId", resultset.getString("manufacturer_id"));
            map.put("manufLogo", resultset.getString("SUPPLIER_LOGO_IMAGE"));
            map.put("manufName", resultset.getString("MANUFACTURER_NAME"));
            map.put("manufURL", resultset.getString("MANUFACTURER_URL"));
        return SUCCESS;

    <s:iterator value="listOfMap">

    The listOfMap also can use as a dataSource for Struts2 JasperReports Plugin.

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  • 2021-01-26 18:57

    You can use s:iterator over a map.

    <s:iterator value="topSuppliers">
      <s:property value="key" />: <s:iterator value="value" status="status"><s:property /><s:if test="!#status.last">,</s:if></s:iterator>

    This iterates over the map using Map.Entry and then iterates over your value list using another iterator and iterator status to add "," unless it's the last entry.

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