I have function which return LinkedHashMap in Struts2 and i just came to know that we cannot use for loop in struts2 instead we have to use Iterators, and am new to struts
You should iterate over List of Map
instead of Map of List
private List<Map> listOfMap = Lists.newArrayList();
public String execute() {
while (resultset.next()) {
final Map<String, String> map = Maps.newHashMap();
map.put("manufId", resultset.getString("manufacturer_id"));
map.put("manufLogo", resultset.getString("SUPPLIER_LOGO_IMAGE"));
map.put("manufName", resultset.getString("MANUFACTURER_NAME"));
map.put("manufURL", resultset.getString("MANUFACTURER_URL"));
return SUCCESS;
<s:iterator value="listOfMap">
The listOfMap
also can use as a dataSource
for Struts2 JasperReports Plugin.
You can use s:iterator over a map.
<s:iterator value="topSuppliers">
<s:property value="key" />: <s:iterator value="value" status="status"><s:property /><s:if test="!#status.last">,</s:if></s:iterator>
This iterates over the map using Map.Entry and then iterates over your value list using another iterator and iterator status to add "," unless it's the last entry.