I am working on a invoice report with my companies intranet. I would like to be able to link the invoice number to the actual invoice. My problem is that the file resides on a d
Try creating a symbolic link from the network share \SERVER\ to your machine --> X:\pathtoyourapacheroot\distantdocuments on your server machine
Then you should be able to use it just has if your file was on your machine x:\pathtoyourapacheroot\distantdocuments\file_path.pdf.
What you are doing is disabled by design. This sort of link to a local file will work in some browsers as long as the HTML is also called from a local file (ie file:///pageContainingLink). If not, it's a security vulnerability. It won't work at all in webkit based browsers.
See <A>nchor Link to Local File? (<a href='file:///{path}'>DEAD LINK</a> not working in FireFox but in IE)
And Cross-browser link to file on local system
If you want to get this to work, you'll need the other server to be a web-server too so that you can link to http://intranet2/fileYouWant.pdf