I have a model with the following fields: \"Date\", \"Employee\", and \"Planned Hours\". Each employee has various planned hours for various dates.
I\'m attempting to s
Have you tried to regroup your regroup? Also have you tried ClassBased Views at all? They are really useful for quick code generation. Something like the following.
The View:
Class EmployeeTimeSheetView(ListView):
model = Projectsummaryplannedhours
template_name = "department_hub_ple.html"
def get_queryset(self):
return Projectsummaryplannedhours.objects.all().order_by('-date')
The Template:
{% regroup object_list by date|date:"m/d/Y" as date_list %}
{% for date in date_list %}
###html code {{ date.grouper }}
{% regroup date.list by employee as employee_list %}
{% for employee in employee_list %}
###html code {{ employee.grouper }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
This should allow you to build a table with dates as the column headers and then list the employees in oder below with their planned hours. It might require a little tweaking to get it to display the information you want and that might just comedown to which fields you regroup by.
I use this kind of regroup to group related items by Month then by Week.