I want to get the names of the companies by two columns Region and Name of role-player. I find json
links on each page already, b
My personal preference for this is to use the library jsonlite
and not use fromJSON
at all
data<-jsonlite::fromJSON(raw_data, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
finalData<-data.frame(cbind(data$rolePlayers$RolePlayer$orgName, data$rolePlayers$Region$RegionNameEng))
colnames(finalData)<-c("Name", "Region")
Which gives you the following data frame:
Name Region
GoodHope Cheese (Pty) Ltd Western Cape
Jay Chem (Pty) Ltd Western Cape
Coltrade International cc Western Cape
GC Rieber Compact South Africa (Pty) Ltd Western Cape
Latana Cheese Pty Ltd Western Cape
Marco Frischknecht Western Cape
A great way to visualize how to query and what is in your JSON string can be found here:Chris Photo JSON viewer
You can just cut and paste it in there from the raw_data
(removing external quotation marks). From there it becomes easy to see how to structure your data using addressing like you would with a traditional data frame and the $