am developing this code using powershell. I need to be able to extract the html tags.
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri \'
You should be able to use the following script. It makes use of the HTMLFile
com object.
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://*.rss' - OutFile C:\*.rss
[xml]$Content = Get-Content C:\*.rss -Raw
$Regex = '(?s)SE1046.*?Description := "(?<Description>.*?)"'
If ($Content -match $Regex) {
"Description is '$($Matches['Description'])'"
# do something here with $Matches['Description']
Else {
"No match."
$Feed = $
ForEach ($msg in $Feed.Item){
$ParseData = $msg.description
ForEach ($Datum in $ParseData){
If ($Datum -like "Title"){[int]$Upvote = ($Datum).split(' ') | Select-Object -First 1}#EndIf
If ($Datum -like "comments"){[int]$Downvote = ($Datum).split(' ') | Select-Object -First 1} #EndIf
$HTML = New-Object -ComObject "HTMLFile"
'LastUpdated' = [datetime]$msg.pubDate
'Title' = $msg.title
'Category' = $msg.category
'Author' = $
'Link' = $
'UpVotes' = $Upvote
'DownVotes' = $Downvote
'Validations' = $Validation
'WorkArounds' = $Workaround
'Comments' = $HTML.all.tags("p") | % InnerText
'FeedbackID' = $FeedBackID
You could replace <br/>
with actual line breaks, then tag-strip the rest completely:
$commentsPlain = $msg.description.InnerText -replace '<br ?/?>',[System.Environment]::NewLine -replace '<[^>]+>'
'LastUpdated' = [datetime]$msg.pubDate
'Title' = $msg.title
'Category' = $msg.category
'Author' = $
'Link' = $
'UpVotes' = $Upvote
'DownVotes' = $Downvote
'Validations' = $Validation
'WorkArounds' = $Workaround
'Comments' = $commentsPlain
'FeedbackID' = $FeedBackID