I met a problem for 3 days with my application ionic 3. In fact, after builder in prod and release mode, it is always the old version that is always taken into account. the chan
As @MD Khali said to remove the platform and add platform again, but if it happens after that you just need to click save 3-4 time. Because I have the same problem in my ionic 3 projects.
remove android platform using
ionic cordova platform rm android
remove manually node-modules
Unistall old Application
npm cache clean --force
finally run npm install
ionic cordova platform add android
ionic cordova build android
Finally I found the solution. The problem was related to the ionic plugin (appflow).
I had two choices 1. Generate the apk from the appflow platform with the configured branch.
I took the choice 1.
Documentation of appflow https://ionicframework.com/appflow