Changed into a procedure, getting a syntax error at \'PROCEDURE\' any ideas?
CREATE PROCEDURE performance_Report
@startDate DATE,
@endDate DATE
was introduced to PostgreSQL in version 11, so if you are using an earlier version you will get ERROR: syntax error at or near "PROCEDURE"
PostgreSQL doesn't have "CREATE PROCEDURE". It is reported that most of what you might need stored procedures for in other databases can be done in PostgreSQL with CREATE FUNCTION.
From outside of the view definition you don't have access to the underlying tables.
You have AND ShopOrder.OrderDate BETWEEN @startDate AND endDate
shouldn't that be AND ShopOrder.OrderDate BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate
CREATE PROCEDURE performance_Report
@startDate DATE,
@endDate DATE
SELECT Salesrep.Name, SUM(OrderLine.Quantity) AS Total_Sold, SUM(OrderLine.UnitSellingPrice * Orderline.Quantity) AS Total_Value
FROM SalesRep, OrderLine, ShopOrder
WHERE ShopOrder.SalesRepID = SalesRep.SalesRepID
AND OrderLine.ShopOrderID = ShopOrder.ShopOrderID
AND ShopOrder.OrderDate BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate
GROUP BY SalesRep.SalesRepID, SalesRep.Name
ORDER BY Total_Value DESC;
Otherwise does this query work if you remove that line entirely without being a stored procedure?
No, you cannot do that. You want your view to result in an aggregation by SalesRep.Name. What you want to do is filtering those SUMs. You have two options:
So, you changed the question and now you want to create a stored procedure in PostgreSql. You might want to take a look at this: A Basic Introduction to Postgres Stored Procedures. Take your time to read it, the knowledge acquired in the process will surely be helpful. And, on your way through it, you might reevaluate and think you don't really need that kind of functionality for a straightforward query such as this one. Good luck.
Are you sure you didn't mean to use CREATE FUNCTION:
CREATE FUNCTION performance_Report(date, date)