color and size are taken from URL using GET method in django color and size are check box inputs and are recieved as a list in the file
I am filtering my Prouct
There is no need to use intersection
here. A combined filter would be much better. Also, request.GET
is already a dict.
result = Product.objects.all()
if 'size' in request.GET:
result = result.filter(attributes__size__in=request.GET['size'])
if 'color' in request.GET:
result = result.filter(attributes__color__in=request.GET['color'])
If you've got lots of parameters, and they all map to elements in attributes
, you could do it dynamically:
result = Product.objects.all()
for key, value in request.GET:
result = result.filter(**{'attributes__{}__in'.format(key): value})