How to use different combinations of group by while trying to get the top most viewed

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遇见更好的自我 2021-01-26 13:30

Am trying to get the top most rating using groupby of multiple columns and if there is no combination of that particular groupby, its throwing me an error . how to do multiple c

  • 2021-01-26 13:51

    You can use *args for dynamic input, (ordering of values cannot be changed) with query for filtering:

    def get_top(*args):     
        c = ['maritalstatus', 'gender', 'age_range', 'occ']
        m = (df.groupby(c)['rating'].apply(lambda x: x.value_counts().index[0])
        args = list(args)
        while True:
            d = dict(zip(c, args))
            q = ' & '.join((('({} ==  "{}")').format(i, j)) for i, j in d.items())
            m1 = m.query(q)['rating']  
            if m1.empty and len(args) > 1:
                return m1
    print(get_top('ma', 'M', 'young','teacher'))
    1    PG
    Name: rating, dtype: object
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  • 2021-01-26 13:55

    pandas is definitely the goto library for handling detailed tabular data. For those seeking a non-pandas option, you can build your own mapping and reduction functions. I use these terms to mean the following:

    • mapping: reorganize data grouped by a desired query
    • reduction: an aggregation function, used to tally or condense many values to one

    pandas analogous groupby/aggregation concepts.


    Cleaned data where multiple spaces have been replaced with a single delimiter, e.g. ",".

    %%file "test.txt"


    import csv
    import collections as ct

    Step 1: Read data

    def read_file(fname):
        with open(fname, "r") as f:
            reader = csv.DictReader(f)
            for line in reader:
                yield line
    iterable = [line for line in read_file("test.txt")]


    [OrderedDict([('status', 'ma'),
                  ('gender', 'M'),
                  ('age_range', 'young'),
                  ('occ', 'student'),
                  ('rating', 'PG')]),
     OrderedDict([('status', 'ma'),
                  ('gender', 'F'),
                  ('age_range', 'adult'),

    Step 2: Remap data

    def mapping(data, column):
        """Return a dict of regrouped data."""
        dd = ct.defaultdict(list)
        for d in data:
            key = d[column]
            value = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if k != column}
        return dict(dd)
    mapping(iterable, "gender")


    {'M': [
       {'age_range': 'young', 'occ': 'student', 'rating': 'PG', ...},
     'F': [
       {'status': 'ma', 'age_range': 'adult', ...},

    Step 3: Reduce data

    def reduction(data):
        """Return a reduced mapping of Counters."""
        final = {}
        for key, val in data.items():
            agg = ct.defaultdict(ct.Counter)
            for d in val:
                for k, v in d.items():
                    agg[k][v] += 1
            final[key] = dict(agg)
        return final
    reduction(mapping(iterable, "gender"))


    {'F': {
       'age_range': Counter({'adult': 2}),
       'occ': Counter({'teacher': 2}),
       'rating': Counter({'R': 2}),
       'status': Counter({'ma': 1, 'sin': 1})},
     'M': {
       'age_range': Counter({'adult': 1, 'young': 3}),
       'occ': Counter({'student': 3, 'teacher': 1}),
       'rating': Counter({'PG': 3, 'R': 1}),
       'status': Counter({'ma': 2, 'sin': 2})}


    With these tools in place, you can build a data pipeline and to query the data, feeding results from one function into another:

    # Find the top age range amoung males
    pipeline = reduction(mapping(iterable, "gender"))
    # [('young', 3)]
    # Find the top ratings among teachers
    pipeline = reduction(mapping(iterable, "occ"))
    # [('R', 3)]
    # Find the number of married people
    pipeline = reduction(mapping(iterable, "gender"))
    sum(v["status"]["ma"] for k, v in pipeline.items())
    # 3

    Overall, you tailor your output based on how you define your reduction function.

    Note, the code from this generalized process is more verbose than a former example despite its powerful application to many data columns. pandas succinctly encapsulates these concepts. Although the learning curve may initially be more steep, it can greatly expedite data analysis.


    1. Read data - we parse each line of a cleaned file using csv.DictReader, which maintains the header names as keys of a dictionary. This structure facilitates easier column access by name.
    2. Remap data - we group data as a dictionary.
      • The keys are items in the selected/queried column, e.g. "M", "F".
      • The values are each a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary represents a row of all remaining columnar data (excluding the key).
    3. Reduce data - we aggregate the values of the remapped data by tabulating related entries for all listed dictionaries. Together the defaultdict and Counter combination build an excellent reducing data structure where new entries to the defaultdict initialize a Counter and repeated entries simply tally observations.


    Pipelines are optional. Here we will build a single function that processes serial requests:

    def serial_reduction(iterable, val_queries):
        """Return a `Counter` that is reduced after serial queries."""
        q1, *qs = val_queries 
        val_to_key = {v:k for k, v in iterable[0].items()}
        values_list = mapping(iterable, val_to_key[q1])[q1]
        counter = ct.Counter()
        # Process queries for dicts in each row and build a counter
        for q in qs:    
                for row in values_list[:]:
                    if val_to_key[q] not in row:
                        reduced_vals = {v for v in row.values() if v not in qs}
                for val in reduced_vals:
                    counter[val] += 1
            except KeyError:
                raise ValueError("'{}' not found. Try a new query.".format(q))
        return counter
    c = serial_reduction(iterable, "ma M young".split())
    # [('student', 2), ('PG', 2)]
    serial_reduction(iterable, "ma M young teacher".split())
    # ValueError: 'teacher' not found. Try a new query.
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-26 14:05

    This is one non-pandas solution. Counter.most_common() orders results by most common descending counts.

    from collections import Counter
    def get_top(maritalstatus=None, gender=None, age_range=None, occ=None):
        cols = ['maritalstatus', 'gender', 'age_range', 'occ']
        values = [maritalstatus, gender, age_range, occ]
        c = Counter(df.query(' & '.join((('({0} ==  "{1}")').format(i, j)) \
                    for i, j in zip(cols, values) if j))['rating'])
        return c.most_common()
    get_top(maritalstatus='ma', gender='M', age_range='young')  # [('PG', 2)]
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