Python palindrome program not working

后端 未结 7 782
后悔当初 2021-01-26 12:49

I\'ve written a simple program in python which checks if the sentence is palindrome. But I can\'t figure out why isn\'t it working. The results is always False. Does anyone know

  • 2021-01-26 13:25

    Since the mistake is already explained and the obvious s == s[::-1] is already taken, I'll just throw a possibly minimal version of the original into the mix:

    def isPalindrome(s):
        s = s.strip().lower()
        return not s or s[0] == s[-1] and isPalindrome(s[1:-1])

    Note that you don't need replace(" ", ""). Space on the outside is removed with strip() now, and spaces on the inside will be removed by the strip() later, in a call deeper into the recursion (if we don't stop earlier because a s[0] == s[-1] fails).

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  • 2021-01-26 13:28

    You aren't returning the result of the function.

    replace :

    if word[0] == word[-1]:


    if word[0] == word[-1]:
        return isPalindrome(word[1:-1])
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  • 2021-01-26 13:31

    You're making this way more complicated than it has to be:

    def palindrome(sentence):
        sentence = sentence.strip().lower().replace(" ", "")
        return sentence == sentence[::-1]

    sentence[::-1] uses string slicing to reverse the characters in the string.

    A slightly more verbose solution that shows how the logic of the return statement above works:

    def palindrome(sentence):
        sentence = sentence.strip().lower().replace(" ", "")
        if sentence == sentence[::-1]:
            return True
            return False
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  • 2021-01-26 13:31

    You need to replace "input" with "raw_input". Also, you are calling isPalindrome recursively and there is a mistake here as well. It should be:

    if word[0] == word[-1]:
        return isPalindrome(word[1:-1])
        return False

    Check the corrected code below:

    def isPalindrome(word):
        # Removes all spaces, and lowercase the word.
        word = word.strip().lower()
        word = word.replace(" ", "")
        # If the length of the word is less than 1, means its a palindrome
        if (len(word) <= 1):
            return True
    # Compares the first and the last character of the word.
    # If it is the same, calls the function again with the same word, without its first and last characters.
    # If its not the same, its not palindrome
        if word[0] == word[-1]:
            return isPalindrome(word[1:-1])
            return False
    sentence = raw_input("Enter a sentence: \n")
    if (isPalindrome(sentence)):
        print("The sentence %s is palindrome." % sentence)
        print("The sentence %s is NOT palindrome" % sentence)
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  • 2021-01-26 13:35

    I presume this is an assignment and the recursion is necessary, obviously return word == word[::-1] is simpler but is not really relevant. You can write your recursive function a bit more succinctly:

    def isPalindrome(word):
        if not word:
            return True
        return word[0] == word[-1] and isPalindrome(word[1:-1])

    word[0] == word[-1] will either be True or False so you will either reach an empty string where not word will True so the recursion ends and the function returns True or word[0] == word[-1] will be False so the function will return False as and isPalindrome(word[1:-1]) will never be evaluated.

    I would also maybe do the lowering outside of the function:

    def isPalindrome(word):
        if not word:
            return True
        return word[0] == word[-1] and isPalindrome(word[1:-1])
    sentence = input("Enter a sentence: \n")
    sentence = sentence.strip().lower()
    sentence = sentence.replace(" ", "")
    if isPalindrome(sentence):
        print("The sentence %s is palindrome." % sentence)
        print("The sentence %s is NOT palindrome" % sentence)
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-26 13:43

    You algorithm is fine, the only problem is that you don't return the true result through the recursion, you have to return the isPalindrome result when calling it recursively:

        if word[0] == word[-1]:
            return isPalindrome(word[1:-1]) #this changed
            return False
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