I am trying to protect my INSERT statement from SQL injection using Parameters, but for some reason I am getting the error: Parameter object is improperly defined. Inconsi
Alright, after much discussion with Lankymart, which continued in the chat, I finally got it fixed.
Because the error was not fixed with just one adjustment, ill post all the adjustments made.
spSQL.Parameters.Append(spSQL.CreateParameter("@Order", adInteger,,,1506))
Then I separately added the Parameters values and also added the spSQLCommandType = adCmdText
(pointed out in this link: stackoverflow.com/a/22037613/692942)
I also changed the SIZES of all the parameter data types to the right size (using this link: Data type mapping) instead of default nothing or 0.
The biggest problem however was caused by not including the right DDL file for handling my ADO parameters. This was added in the global.asa file.
Call spSQL.execute(adExecuteNoRecords)
wasn't recognized or viable for my SQL server 2012. I changed the ADO type adDate
to adDBTimeStamp
which solved the problem. The entire 'fixed' code is as follow:
Set spSQL = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set spSQL.ActiveConnection=con_vhs
spSQL.CommandType = adCmdText
vrdSQL="INSERT INTO boekingen ([Order],[Positie],[Tariefnummer],[Relatie],[Datum],[AantalEenheden],[Omschrijving],[Bedrag],[Totaal],[Status]) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"
spSQL.commandtext= vrdSQL
spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Order",adInteger,adParamInput,4)
spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Positie", adVarWChar,adParamInput,10)
spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Tariefnummer", adVarWChar,adParamInput,50)
spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Relatie", adInteger,adParamInput,4)
spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Datum", adDBTimeStamp,adParamInput,0)
spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@AantalEenheden", adSingle,adParamInput,4)
spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Omschrijving", adVarWChar,adParamInput,150)
spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Bedrag", adDecimal,adParamInput,0)
spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Totaal", adDecimal,adParamInput,0)
spSQL.Parameters.Append spSQL.CreateParameter("@Status", adInteger,adParamInput,4)
spSQL.Parameters("@Order").Value = 1506
spSQL.Parameters("@Positie").Value = "0"
spSQL.Parameters("@Tariefnummer").Value = "VRD"
spSQL.Parameters("@Relatie").Value = 4020
spSQL.Parameters("@Datum").Value = iDatumTotaal
spSQL.Parameters("@AantalEenheden").Value = TestAantal
spSQL.Parameters("@Omschrijving").Value = OmschrijvingGoed
spSQL.Parameters("@Bedrag").Value = sBedrag
spSQL.Parameters("@Totaal").Value = sTotaal
spSQL.Parameters("@Status").Value = StatusVRD
Dim oPrm
For Each oPrm In spSQL.Parameters
If oPrm.Type = adDecimal Then
oPrm.NumericScale = 2
oPrm.Precision = 17
End If
Call spSQL.execute(adExecuteNoRecords)
Thanks to Lankymart for the awesome help fixing this problem!