I\'m migrating an Access DB to SQL Server and everything is slowly coming along but Im not sure how to connect the Access forms to the SQL Server views.
So far I have al
You can't reference the Access form in a SQL View directly. You will need to rethink the logic in this. You could either create a number of Views with the appropriate values hard-coded (inadvisable) or convert the View to a Stored Procedure and pass the value in as a parameter.
For example (assuming the parameter is a string):
create proc s_MyStoredProc
@Location varchar(50)
[Location_LOV].[Description] AS Location,
Sum([RateTable_CLABData].[clabcount]) AS [Number of CLABSI],
Sum([RateTable_CLABData].[numcldays]) AS [Central Line Days],
[RateTable_CLABData].[CLAB_Mean] AS [National Average]
LEFT JOIN [RateTable_CLABData]
ON [AcuteHospitals].[NHSN_ID] = [RateTable_CLABData].[orgID])
LEFT JOIN [Location_LOV]
ON [RateTable_CLABData].[loccdc] = [Location_LOV].[CDCLoc])
ON [RateTable_CLABData].[summaryYQ] = [SummaryYQ_LOV].[StartDate]
WHERE ((([SummaryYQ_LOV].[SummaryYQ]) = @Location ))
HAVING ((([RateTable_CLABData].[loccdc]) NOT LIKE '%ped%'))
ORDER BY [AcuteHospitals].[HospitalName], [RateTable_CLABData].[loccdc]
SQL Server has an excellent (and free) MS-Access to MS-SQL migration tool. It does a very good job of converting MS-Access queries. I haven't tried converting queries with form parameters, but it is certainly worth a look and you may learn some things as well, especially if you plan to convert other queries. http://www.microsoft.com/sqlserver/en/us/product-info/migration-tool.aspx#oracle.
The problem is here
WHERE ((([SummaryYQ_LOV].[SummaryYQ]) = forms!YQ_Location.text5 ))
You cannot convert such Access query into a SQL View, but you can use Stored Procedure instead and pass value from the field forms!YQ_Location.text5
as parameter.
Also, you don't need this TOP 9223372036854775807 WITH TIES
it is redundant.
Just create the SQL server view, and then from the Access font end link to that view. It is easy, not much work.
As for any parameters? Just remove them from the query and views. You then just open up the report using a where clause from the Access client.
In fact using a Access form or report that is bound to a linked table (or in this case view) is easy, and Access will ONLY pull down the reocrds you specifiy in the "where" clause of the open form or open report command.