I have a problem when compiling my code from Notepad++ when i compile example( javac StudentApp.java). It does not compile but instead i get this error code - \"is not recognise
First be sure you have installed JDK , but not the JRE (jre comes without the javac).
Here's how you can the JAVA_HOME\bin to your path (in case you have installed JDK):
for /f "delims=" %j in ('reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit\1.6" /v JavaHome') do @set jreg=%j
set jreg=%jreg: JavaHome REG_SZ =%
setx PATH "%jreg%\bin";%PATH%
Thanks everyone i got my solution i left out the bin directory which was " C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_45\bin;" at the start of my path. Hope this helps anyone else with the same problem.